
My Story

I am Ayşegül. You can call me Ayş (Aysh). It seems like when I was a kid, I convinced my parents to change my name. I feel like my name has its song and I love it.

I am the person behind My Sacred Space Design Journey. Till here, my life journey has been an amazing adventure full of love. I worked in creative teams, the head office of big fashion companies, cool innovation consultancies. Then I quit all and I founded a big social network using time banking which became the biggest alternative economy community in the world.

I helped to the foundation of many other communities where people experienced new ways of giving and receiving, learning about themselves by being a mirror to each other.

Then I quit everything again and began to dive deeper into what it means to be a mother to my little kids and myself.

I always loved rituals, also loved to discover more about myself and play with myself. So during all my life when I was alone – which is quite the best time activity for me even though I am quite a social person – I have been creating rituals for myself and myself and connecting to the One and the Love.

After having my two babies I was longing for meetings with myself. Suddenly my hands started to create a space. I did not think nor plan about it. After some time, I have realized that it was a sacred space for me just to be.

In the beginning, there was just my vision board in this place. Then I added a mind map for me. Whenever I was thinking about something again and again and I was realizing it, I was just going and putting it onto that mind map.

Then I begin to put some objects there. Flowers, stones, wooden objects, doves that I was finding in nature, my sage, and Palo Santo. Whatever I felt like.

That space began to have an attraction for me. Every night after my kids slept, instead of going to bed to read or to watch Netflix I was just going to that place without having anything in my mind to do.

Then something magical has happened. All those objects began to make sense as well as the mind map that I had created. I have seen that through the mind map and those objects universe was continuously talking to me. That sacred space made an incredible gift for me which was to pass the fields of doubt and just believe. Believing full-heartedly because finally, it meant to believe in me.

What a sacred space brought to my life?

A little space that started as a game for me as a showing up for an interior call, has evolved. I began to work with my inner child, do shamanic journeys, meditate every day. I started a sound healing journey which was incredible to go deeper inside myself and meeting with my ancestors. I met and connected with my anger. I read many books and entered the Sufi world. I started a new business.

I think the consistency and the power that I had to show up there were thanks to that space that was holding a space for me and continues to do so. I am realizing that now my body is just flowing around changing the stuff in my home and on the walls, creating different spaces at home. Now when I look at my home, I see many places that are beautiful and joyful, which are making me feel safe and are serving to find myself over and over again.

If you are here reading this, it is for a reason. If your intuition is longing for this space trust it even though seems weird to you. Take it as a game. Just create your playing area. Just for your inner child, for your soul, for yourself, whatever you believe. See and experience it. Don’t take my words for granted. I am just telling my own story. Create yours.

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