
Live Life As a Ritual. Convert Your Routines to Rituals


What is the difference between a ritual and a routine?

Awareness is the main difference between a routine and a ritual. Being aware, being in the moment, in here and now.

With a ritual, you mark a beginning and an end at any time. You name it and give your complete focus, which makes it possible to honor the moment.

Do not settle with what you have; enjoy it.

Yes, this is what makes a ritual. So, it makes sense to convert your routines to rituals.

We have many routines going on in our life. Would you like to convert some of your routines to rituals? Here in this blog post, you can get some ideas about how to do this.

Are you aware of your routines with the potential of rituals?

Let me give you some examples:

  • Brushing your teeth
  • Preparing a meal
  • Eating a meal
  • Your morning time, bathroom self-care, wearing your cloth and makeup.
  • Working time
  • Having a bath
  • Before going to bed, do bathroom self-care, wearing your pajamas.
  • Special days
  • Hosting someone at home
  • Geographical routines: when the sun comes up and goes down, the cycles of the Moon, seasonal changes (ah, they are the best for me. So much energy change).
  • Throwing the garbage

…the list can go on and on.

I even think we are so stuck with cigarette smoking because it just converts a routine into a ritual, opening and closing it. Maybe if we had more rituals that make it possible to connect with ourselves and with the Cosmos, we would not need any more cigarettes.

Jung advised going with already existing rituals, coming from your ancestors.

Also, he emphasized that if you cannot connect with the rituals of your ancestors, then it is excellent to the quest for your own.

I guess he said so because the rituals which have been practiced for centuries, almost in the exact manner by many of our ancestors and now by us, definitely have another energetic level, also keeping in mind that many people are doing it the same way, at the same time.

Still, meaning is more important than form. What does it mean for you? How does it make you feel? Can it facilitate a connection between yourself and also with Cosmos? Is it bringing another meaning to your life, full of symbols?

Look what Jung says about this matter as well:

Only the symbolic life can express the soul’s need – the daily need of the soul, mind you! And because people have no such thing, they can never step out of this awful, grinding, banal life in which they are ‘nothing but, he wrote.

I love rituals; I always did.

It is natural; I love to connect with the ONE. I always remember adoring the smell of a lovely plant in the middle of a circle, the magic that a candle and a soft light can bring tonight.

All those incredible ceremonies worldwide show the awe we feel about the creation, and you know that celebrating alone has nothing to do with celebrating together.

We lost those big celebrations when crop time was finished. All the village, all together, around a bonfire, with music, dance, good food and always with love.

You are sharing and connecting with your own and with your loved ones.

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