
Invitation to a Collective Visioning Meditation

Today I want to invite you to a visioning meditation to visualize the world that you want to live. Ability to visualize is a powerful tool of our mind that can serve us in different ways. I also talked about how to create a vision board in another article here. Before starting the guided meditation, let’s … Read more

In the Search of the Symbolism of the Holy Week

Last week, I have written a blog post with a title, ‘What if it is a retreat instead of a quarantine?’ There I have mentioned the retreat tradition in Sufi culture, which I feel connected. On the other hand, I am living in Spain right now, and here actually it is Lent (Cuaresma) time, the … Read more

What If It Is A Retreat Instead of A Quarantine?

The other day I shared a post on Instagram saying that my only intention from quarantine is to be in the moment. There was a comment to it, saying ‘what if we say retreat instead of quarantine. Quarantine is colder, a retreat is warmer.’ I found myself contemplating it since then. This weekend some ideas … Read more

Coronavirus Tale: A Path To Self-Discovery of Sacredness

A long long time ago, human beings were living in a place where beauty was not enough to explain. For those who could see beyond, who were in harmony with life, they were calling it as love, what they were feeling towards this place.  In this place… Whatever was happening was the best option between … Read more