
What Does a Rooster Spirit Animal Mean and Symbolize?

Rooster spirit animal symbolizes forward-thinking, alertness, creativity, and protectiveness. However, the real question is, what does the Rooster spirit animal mean and symbolize for you? Maybe when you are out of balance, you feel a lack of direction and arrogance. This can also be the guidance of your spirit animal Rooster.You can only find the … Read more

What Does a Lizard Spirit Animal Mean and Symbolize?

Lizard spirit animal symbolizes dreams and protection. The real question is what does a lizard spirit animal mean and symbolize for you? The Lizard is a powerful spiritual animal that teaches us to make the right choices and awaken and develop our intuition to give our life the value it deserves. Still, you are the … Read more

What Does a Goose Spirit Animal Mean and Symbolize?

The Goose spirit animal symbolizes protectiveness, courage, and versatility. However, when we talk about spirit animals, the main question is what does a Goose spirit animal mean and symbolize for you? You will find the answers, but I can help you reach those answers. I have prepared an ultimate guide with the symbolic and spiritual … Read more

Ostara What to Do?

It is the magical spring equinox time, and you are unsure what to do during Ostara? So you are in the correct place. Welcome.  After reading these two books, I have written a series of articles related to Ostara. Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Samhain to Ostara: Lore, Rituals, Activities, and Symbols by Ashleen O’Gaea … Read more

Nowruz Rituals. How to Celebrate Nowruz?

Are you ready to enter the fascinating world of the Nowruz rituals? Nowruz has been celebrated worldwide with many symbolical rituals. Let’s get inspiration from them about how to celebrate Nowruz. Let’s start. Shall we? How long does Nowruz last? How many days is Nowruz celebrated? In different areas, people celebrate the Nowruz festival all … Read more

What is Nowruz, and why is it celebrated?

Nowruz is one of the oldest and most widely celebrated festivals worldwide. Its tradition is full of stories and rituals. So most probably you have heard of Nowruz, but what is Nowruz, and why is it celebrated? Join me to discover the Nowruz celebrations’ meanings, origins, and stories. What is the Nowruz? Nowruz Feast or … Read more

Ostara Rebirth Ritual

Ostara is about finding your balance and rebirth from the underworld. You can read here many stories in different mythologies related to the rebirth aspect of Ostara. In this article, I will give you three Ostara rebirth rituals.  Butterflies inspire the first one, the next is by the labyrinth, and the last is by eggs. … Read more

Rituals For Ostara

How can one connect to the blessings of Ostara energies? The answer is simple; by rituals. That is why I have created different articles related to Ostara’s rituals. After reading these two books, I have written a series of articles related to Ostara.  Celebrating the Seasons of Life: Samhain to Ostara: Lore, Rituals, Activities, and … Read more

Ostara Goddess of Spring

When we are talking about Ostara, we are talking about the Ostara Goddess of spring. As its name already vibrates this magical energy, Ostara is a Goddess full of magic. In this article, we will dive deeper.  After reading these two books, I have written a series of articles related to Ostara: Celebrating the Seasons … Read more

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