
What Jung Really Said?

Today I want to introduce you to a friend of mine, Özgür Önal. I have been following Özgür for a long time and got inspired by his interest in Jung’s work and his synthesis of Jung and Sufi mystic thinking. So, we came together one night, with many questions in my head. The intention was … Read more

What Does a Hummingbird Spirit Animal Mean and Symbolize?

The hummingbird spirit animal is the symbol of joy, healing, versatility, and eternity. Hummingbirds are believed to bring the message that joyful days are near and send healing light. Maybe you just discovered that the hummingbird is your spirit animal and that you are asking What Does a Hummingbird Spirit Animal Mean and Symbolize? Discovering … Read more

What Does a Peacock Spirit Animal Mean and Symbolize?

The Peacock spirit animal is the symbol of beauty, honor, attention, and immortality. In the power of the peacock, there is the ability to understand the past, present, and future correctly, to be reborn from the ashes, and self-confidence. But What Does a Peacock Spirit Animal Mean and Symbolize For You? We all have a … Read more

What Does a Moth Spirit Animal Mean and Symbolize?

Moths can be a powerful spirit animal for you. You will be aware of its power, the more you will know about its symbolic and spiritual meaning. So you can ask What Does a Moth Spirit Animal Mean and Symbolize? The answer to this question is quite personal. The more you would create a relationship … Read more

What Does a Swan Spirit Animal Mean and Symbolize?

Swans are the symbol of grace, harmony, responsibility. The power of the swan also includes the concepts of balance, inner beauty, innocence, dignity, self-respect. The real question is What Does a Swan Spirit Animal Mean and Symbolize For You? Swan represents the power of understanding the dream symbols, awareness of spiritual evolution, development of intuitive … Read more

What Does a Hawk Spirit Animal Mean and Symbolize?

Maybe you have just found out in your shamanic journey that the hawk is your spirit animal. Or maybe you are seeing hawks in your dreams or real life. The question you would have in your mind in both cases is: What Does a Hawk Spirit Animal Mean and Symbolize? Symbols are like a huge … Read more

What Does a Monkey Spirit Animal Mean and Symbolize?

Monkey spirit animals are the symbols of living in harmony, problem-solving, intelligence, and ingenuity. But the real question is: What Does a Monkey Spirit Animal Mean and Symbolize For You? Monkey also represents language skills, being curious, and being able to relate to the spirits of the forest. It has the power to balance between … Read more

What Does a Bat Spirit Animal Mean and Symbolize?

Bat spirit animal is the symbol of rebirth, transformation, understanding pain, and sorrow, observation. Moreover, in the symbolism of the bat, there is the seeding of new ideas, the ability to watch with invisibility, the use of sound vibrations, secrets, and mysteries. However, there is not just one answer to this question; ‘What Does a … Read more

What Do Chakra Colors Mean?

Color is an energy form with its frequency and intensity. Just as sound. Different colors have different frequency intervals, causing different energy levels. As you have already known, in chakra healing, chakra colors have been used in a considerable way. Color and chakra combination has been facilitating different processes for many people. So, one can … Read more

Can Chakra Give You Powers?

With shamanic breathing and other shamanic practices, it is possible to activate one’s chakras and increase energy flows. Therefore, activating each chakra in turn and stimulating our entire energy system by inhaling cosmic energy. Cosmic energy is the energy that surrounds the human body and works in harmony with universal laws. After filling the power … Read more

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